Friday, April 10, 2009

Love, friendship, trust, betrayal, forgiveness, faith, integrity..very very important lessons in life indeed..more so than anything else. I have not experienced all of them in their entirety..but have felt the effects of them..I think these are what make us whole as a human being in this life.

Thank you for sharing your lives with me..not giving up on me. It is Good Friday. Let us remember Him, and his life (laid down) for us to emulate. As important as him being resurrected again on the 3rd day, the Friday He died is most poignant indeed. Without the suffering, never will there be new Hope..

"enter thru the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road thatleads to destruction, and many enter thru it. But small is the gate, and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few finds it." matt7:13-14

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Living in Singapore

I think it is not easy to get a house in Singapore. What talk they say abt encouraging couples to build families, are a lot of talk. And all for a bird's cage up in the sky..a very apt metaphor in my own opinion.

But Singapore, where land is scarce, we get that,.but this is not the main complaint.service is poor, red tape everywhere, I Really dunno how millions of newly weds/couples get thru it all for the last decades..but they did..and now it's our turn. It is tiring.

And sometimes u cant see the end of the tunnel. Never-ending. This feeling of Never-ending. I hope it is all worth it...I think we are nearing the end of the tunnel, where light shld be coming in. At least a pin-hole of it. Heck, I want to finish it and get on with other aspects of our lives,p...It is tedious too. Many a times, i cant even smile, or feel happy. A bit numbed liao, maybe its just me.

Let's hope its all gonna end if tmr i wake up everything is done for me...*_*!

Monday, March 23, 2009


张学友 - 拥有
默默转身 轻轻的告别
爱恨不停 的交叠
无助这种感觉 是无边无界
那种痛楚 令我对爱胆怯
想念每一夜 不曾停歇
有快乐 有伤悲 有誓约
就能够发现 你永远都在

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

exhilaration of knowing.

Writing my blog at 1.30am. its only because i'm suddenly spurred on by another person's blog..haha. Interesting, cos' it's not even by someone i really know. Nonetheless, it's the influence of the spirit of another human being on me...and the influence of the spirit is immortal. The genuine touch has magic. I can't perform magic, so i can't understand magic. But I like to see it, feel it, touch it, and be touched by it. Maybe one day when i die, i will truly understand why i am living. Maybe the core of my existence might illuminate me for a second and then i am gone, with the exhilaration of knowing.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


烟火会那么迷人, 是因为它在自己最美丽的那一刻, 就消失了.

其实, 我们该凝视的, 应该是那沉没又寂静的黑夜.

因为, 是它, 让花火燃烧着自己, 把最闪耀的颜色发光, 发亮.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jean Yip (yip hurray?)--for the 1st time

I have dyed my hair..more like highlighted Jean Yip (prestigious salon , no?)for the first time inmy life. Actually to me, its nothing much...i think its my pattern...not suited to it. Ya, and its more ex than usual.The service...3/5..the hairdresser skill?...pass, but the overall "feel" is not there for me (am i destined to be different from the masses?)

But yes...after a supposed "protective treatment or whatsoever that they call it, and a "2-tone" highlight), it costs $138...sigh...everything is money where I live. The funny thing is, the hairdresser said the highlights will sorta get more obvious after I wash my hair for a few times. I shall wait and see. Not that i dun like the result, or hate the hairdresser (her name is Hui) or the shop.But i'm wary. A stupid thing happened at the cashier.. which makes me feel irritated, until now. I only hope i have not given them 50 bucks extra.So.Do.Not.Hope.

(a pic from cryst's email that just looks nice and irrelevant:)

Thursday, January 15, 2009 Penang and Phuket : )

Come 8th Feb.a holiday :P..hoping to just veg onboard StarVirgo...
My thyroid is getting better..thks to brothers and sisters who have kindly prayed for me...and of cos to the good doctors...the allergy on my feet...prayerfully has gone down...(pls let it keep away for a long time)...

So its been a time of seeing doctors 5 times in one month...phew.

But fortunately, the house is underway..and thk god : within our budget..Im continuing to pray for a time of god's leading and god's help us do the many things coming our way....and surely..i need wisdom:O
